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Eliminate - Your local squirrel removal and squirrel exterminator.

Squirrels look cute but can cause untold nuisance.


Grey squirrel  

Description: silver-grey fur, with a brownish face and feet, and a bushy tail.

Habitat: Squirrels love to build their drey (nests) in attics and lofts of domestic and commercial buildings. These attics offer a warm dry quiet area to raise their young.

Diet:  Squirrels are known to eat nuts and acorns but also eat plants and young birds.

Lifecycle: Squirrels can live up to 6 years and can mate around twice a year.

  Red squirrel

Description: smaller size, red fur and larger ears.

Habitat: The red squirrels live in the woodlands and build their nests in trees.

Diet: Squirrels are known to eat nuts and acorns but also eat plants and other fruits.

Lifecycle: Squirrels can live up to 6 years and can mate around twice a year.

Harmful Health Effects

The problem is they are noisy neighbours and young squirrels gnaw everything causing considerable damage and the risk of fire when electric cables are involved.


Our technicians will give you an evaluation of the best course of action on-site. Exclusion / proofing of the roofspace is the most effective solution. 

For all your squirrel problems:

Call us on 0800 533 5121 (freephone) or

Northampton 01604 529333 Wellingborough 01933 808010

or text us on 07905 166999


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VAT Number: 366 1680 81
Company Reg. Number: 07118019

© Copyright Eliminate Pest Control Ltd 2024


0800 533 5121 Freephone
01604 529333 Northampton
01933 808010 Wellingborough

Working Hours

Mon - Fri8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat9:00am - 5:00pm

Payment Methods

Cash, Card, Cheque, Bank Transfer
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All major debit & credit cards accepted.

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