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Eliminate - your local Rabbit Removal company, offering rabbit proofing and rabbit extermination.

Although many rabbits are kept domestically as pets, there are still many in the wild that can ruin your gardens or commercial premises. These are still considered to be a pest

Description:  Rabbits are covered in fur with long ears, large eyes, and short, fluffy tails.

Habitat: Rabbits have no set habitat. They can live in a variety of environments but mainly grasslands. Many rabbits will move into a burrow dug by another animal.

Diet: Rabbits are mainly herbivores that eat a wide range of plants including grasses or their roots.

Lifecycle: Most live around a year, with some reaching up to 3 years.

Harmful Health effects

Some studies show that rabbits contain a bacteria, Pasteurella Multocida, in their mouth and nasal passages.

They also excereet around 100 pellets a day which can be unfavourable and unsanitary.


For a rabbit control programme to be successful, an integrated approach is vital. Shooting, baiting or fumigating without any follow-up will leave a vacant ready made home for young migrating rabbits from surrounding areas. Eliminate Pest Control Ltd is able to solve your rabbit problem by a combined approach utilising several control methods for maximum results.

Our methods include:

Rabbit breeding occurs throughout the year in the UK due to our mild winters. This means that in order to combat a rabbit problem we need to act at a faster rate than the rabbit can breed.

Our aim is to achieve local eradication to your problem and to prevent re-infestation of rabbits. A group approach has far greater success in achieving this goal, and we have found that by dealing with your neighbour’s problem will better the chance of rabbit re-infestation.

For all your rabbit problems:
Call us on 0800 533 5121 (freephone) or
Northampton 01604 529333 Wellingborough 01933 808010

or text us on 07905 166999

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VAT Number: 366 1680 81
Company Reg. Number: 07118019

© Copyright Eliminate Pest Control Ltd 2024


0800 533 5121 Freephone
01604 529333 Northampton
01933 808010 Wellingborough

Working Hours

Mon - Fri8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat9:00am - 5:00pm

Payment Methods

Cash, Card, Cheque, Bank Transfer
Credit Card logos
All major debit & credit cards accepted.

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